Saturday, May 31, 2008

Yay! Walking again.

After walking last Saturday, my blisters I thought were gone, were not.. Every step I took, my feet hurt! After my 3 miles I showed my coach and was told I had to stay off my feet, and let them heal. Barry had gotten me a foot spa and some epson salt. Our friend WinterFawn was going to be babysitting the kids all weekend, so we could have an early celebration of our 10 year anniversary. Yes, I said 10, Still can't believe it has been so long.

Originally I had planned to go to the Fort Worth Gardens.. but when Walking was taken out of the picture, I wasn't quite sure what was instore. We ended up doing some shopping, seeing a movie, going out to eat. It was great! Oh nice and relaxing it is to have a meal with out two kids. On Sunday, we did go to the parade of homes (yes some walking was involved, not a whole lot) It was amazing!! What was even more fabulous was that 5 of the homes had rooms for Make a Wish kids, and one of the Make a Wish kids was our Team in Trainings honored Hero, an adorable 2 year old with ALL. Ian had gone to Disney for his wish, and love Aladdin, his room was fabulous!! The bed was a flying carpet. It was awesome.

This week was crazy. Monday we spent the entire day at the pool! It was so much fun. Sydney kept on saying over and over again, "I love swimming, I love it!" Definitely runs in the family. Blake had Matthew with him! I can't tell you how wonderful it is for him to have a best friend! The boys are adorable together. I couldn't walk this week, until Thursday! On Thursday I was so ready to go!! I had really missed walking! It felt so good to walk!

This morning, I met the team, and did my 3 miles and it felt AMAZING! I am excited to be back and blister free!