Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Finally...I have a 7 year old!

Hooray! Blake turned 7, last Thursday June 19th. I can't tell you how good it felt to have Blake turn 7. Honestly leading up to his Birthday I had been worried it would be difficult for me, to have Blake pass up Griffin's age. I wasn't sure how my emotions would be.
On Wednesday we had Blake's best friend Matthew stay over. I had pre-scheduled the day off, we had plans to take Syd to daycare and hit the pool! Grab the best chocolate cake from costco and Blake's favorite chinese food for dinner. Unfortunately, the day didn't go as planned, when poor little Sydney woke up with the stomach flu! She was throwing up like crazy.... more to follow, i have to go get Blake and drop him off at cubscout camp!


Marni said...

Peyton has been having some dental issues thanks to chemo and radiation. Yesterday she saw the dentist and had to have 3 of her baby teeth capped.

The first thing she did when I saw her was flash a grin and say, "I have the Griffin pirate teeth!" :)

I've been thinking about you all alot and will be praying for you even more as we come up on Griffy's birthday next week.

Love you all!
